Hello Dear Reader just a quick reminder that the call for speakers for SQL Saturday 85 in Orlando closes this Sunday July 24th. We have extended the call until then, and we got quite a few great submissions! So what are you waiting for time is getting down to the wire, make sure to get your Abstract in before it is too late.
In my Previous Post, I WANT YOU To Present at SQL Saturday 85, I walked through how to make an abstract, and I even tossed out two that are on presentations I’ve I made up just to brain storm with you. If you want some ideas go give it a read. So the question is what are you waiting for?
“But Balls,” you say “I don’t want to get rejected, I don’t have a blog, nobody knows me. To be honest the idea of presenting makes me nervous.”
Well Dear Reader let’s take these one at a time.
I hear you loud and clear. But let me put your mind at ease, SQL Saturday is a community event. This isn’t the Summit, this isn’t SQL Rally, this isn’t Tech-ED. This is where new speakers come to start out, and where experienced speakers go to polish their material.
I know a guy on the inside, and he told me that we want to make sure everybody gets a shot. Heck, I would rather sit this one out, (And I know several very experienced speakers that feel the same way), in order to give someone else a shot. Don’t let this discourage you!
You should actually let this encourage you to submit! We want you to get a shot Dear Reader!
I’ve heard people say this before. They don’t want to present because they are not blogging. It isn’t a prerequisite. You don’t have to blog.
I do it, but that is because deep down inside I like being on stage. I like the lime light. I think it’s fun. But it is also a little like shaving, once you start you have to keep going, otherwise it will just look funny.
Do not let this hold you back, if you ever want to start a blog start one. If you don’t ever want to that is fine. This shouldn’t even be a concern, there are a couple people I’ve met that are top people in the business, they present at SQL Saturday’s and I’ve never seen them post a blog before.
I was listening to a presentation that Buck Woody (@BuckWoody | Blog) and Brent Ozar (@BrentO | Blog) did for the PASS Summit last year and they advised “That if you don’t feel nervous when you stand up to present you probably need to sit down”.
Which made me feel great because I always feel nervous before a presentation. The point is if something is important to you then you will probably get nervous over it. Presenting is an art form, it takes time to perfect your style. Heck it takes time just to realize that you have a style and what it is!
The great thing about SQL Saturday is a lot of folks are in the same boat, and will be happy to give you feedback. If you’d like ask me to come to your presentation and I’d be happy to sit in and give you a friendly face. All you need to do is sign up and your half way there! CLICK HERE to submit an Abstract for SQL Saturday 85. I hope to see you there!