Hello Dear Reader! We had a beautiful weekend here in Florida. Spring is in the air, mainly because the temperature is ranging between 85 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit. This has lead to some rather pronounced sneezing on my morning exercise routine. The type of sneezing that has scared children and small animals.
It was a really nice weekend, enjoying the tale end of February before a busy March.
This was a good time to get some recordings done, have some outings with the Mrs., and meet the gentleman for a morning of golf. I'm not good at golf, quite terrible actually. It is a good excuse to spend two hours with friends talking about life, family, and generally trading our perspectives on things.
As we say goodbye to Winter and begin to focus on Spring it seemed like last week was indeed the perfect way to send off February with a bang.
Off to the wrap up.
Tuesday 2-21-2023
On Tuesday we had a little bit of Christmas in February with out Elfster show. Our good friend Lonnye Bower (Twitter | @ilovesql) had the brilliant idea to have a gift exchange! Andrew Nathan (Twitter | @AndrewNathan05) & Daniel Taylor (Twitter | @DBABulldog) were quick to sound off their excitement and we planned our eventual holiday extravaganza!
We all were super excited for this. No technical topics in this show, just a bunch of friends joking around, playing Secret Santa, and opening presents. If you are looking for some fun and a laugh, please tune in. This was a really fun time!
Wednesday 2-22-2023
On Wednesday we dropped our latest MS Tech Bits. These are videos that will cover different Azure technologies and how you can incorporate them. Neeraj Jhaveri (Twitter | @Neeraj_Jhaveri) & Andrés Padilla (Twitter | @nodestreamio) walk us how to use BICEP templates from our GitHub repository to walk you through deploying Pattern 1 in order to deploy you Azure Synapse Analytics environment.
This is a great video and it is just the start, personally I'm really looking forward to additions to this series.
Thursday 2-23-2023
On Thursday we had our Community Round Table featuring amazing content by you the Azure Data Community & sometimes great authors from our community at large!
Josh Luedeman (Twitter | @JoshLuedeman) wore his hat from the Tuesday show, and we kicked off reviewing the content our team had seleted for the week. But you don't want to here me talk about it, here are the links!
Links in order of appearence on the show:
• A complete CI/CD experience for Azure Synapse Link for SQL Server 2022 by Kevin Chant Twitter @kevchant
• SQL Transaction Processing and Analytic Performance Price-Performance Testing By William McKnight & Jake Dolezal via gigaom Twitter @gigaom
• Synapse Espresso: Optimize Delta Table performance with Optimize & ZOrder Indexing by Stijn Wynants Twitter @SQLStijn
• Train your Model in AML, score it in ADX by Adi Eldar
• Sql-action v2 GitHub Action for Azure SQL Database deployments by Kevin Chant Twitter @kevchant
• json_object and json_array Functions SQL Server 2022 Tutorial By Daniel Calbimonte Twitter @MSSQLTips
• I Wanna Go Fast!)Performance Optimization Tips & Tricks for Azure Data and App Services by Marcelo Silva & Victor Santana
• Using the Dedicated Administrator Connection with SQL Server in a Docker Container by Joey D'Antoni Twitter @jdanton
We've got a big week planned this week. Vicky Harp (Twitter | @vickyharp ) Principal Product Group PM Manager will be on the Tuesday show!
On Wednesday I have some MS Tech Bits that will be posted, on Thursday we have the Community Round table featuring data from the Azure Data Community, and it maybe featuring your content! Let us know if you are writing a blog, producing a video, or doing something noteworthy in the community!
As always Dear Reader, Thank you for stopping by.