We are located at the Marriott in beautiful Lake Mary Florida which is just on the north end of Orlando.
Tommorrow is the big day where we will be coming to you live from the campus of Seminole State College.
The Marriott is beautiful the staff has been wonderful, and the lunch that they served was absolutely delicious. The pictures that I'm showing were all taken by me onsite, and I'll grab a few more as this is just a beautiful location for us today.
"So Balls," you say, "How's it going?"
So as an orginizer I have spent very little time in the room with the guys today, which is bad for me, but absolutely wonderful for out attendees. I will be trying to sneak into a room and take some notes at some point but unlike most of my blogs on events this one (unless I get some notes I can take), will be very non-technical.
So I am going to make an effort to get into each session and get some details so you know just what these experts are doing.
Buck has a pretty packed room but I will make it in there and do some learning. Buck is a master at this field and the feedback I've been getting from people has been incredible. So more on this later.
You can tell he is a Professor when he walks the room, he has a Commanding presence and a Tricksters eyes. I liked him before I met him but seeing him in action I like Buck Woody even more.
The little bit I got to see Buck was teaching all about indexes. Buck’s advice stay away from the hard drive as much as you can. Sucketh Mightely is a technical term and Indexes are great for reads and Sucketh Mightely on writes.
Buck goes on to discuss Indexes and their physical B-Tree structure. He recommends applying 3 rules to Clustered Indexes; 1. The should be Narrow, 2. They should be Unique, 3. They should be ever Increasing. We discussed the difference between Unique Clustered Indexes, and Primary Key Clustered Indexes, and Yes there is a difference!
One of the most interesting things he said with regards to the use of Primary keys and Foreign Keys, you can have a Unique Clustered Index and a Primary Key Clustered Index that have the same constraints. The Algebrizer will use these constraints in the same way when creating the plan to retrieve the physical data. However, deeper in the Algebrizer process the Primary Keys and Foreign key values will assist in computations that will assist the Optimizer.
In other words using Primary Keys & Foreign Keys can make SQL work faster for you. You should be using them. He waded into the Holy war that is Surrogate Key’s vs. Natural Keys. And then he assigned the Audience some hands on in class room work, finding usage statistics and table sizes using only the Built in reports.
I’ve got more Dear Reader and an further update will be coming. Now on to the Pragmatic Works Pre-Con.

I'll get to the wrap up a little later. This is just the teaser for now.
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