is a blog I’ve been wanting to write for a while, I’ve been a little backed up
and with the 2011 PASS Summit starting next week, now seemed like the perfect
Back in
August PASS, the Professional Association
of SQL Server, announced that they were seeking applications for the NomCom. I like to participate in things so I started
reading up on it.
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I wasn’t as active at this time last year with PASS, I was
on the ramp up to becoming more active, but I was still a couple weeks away
from attending my first SQL Saturday.
So if you are not familiar with it there was a bit of controversy last
year with the PASS elections and the NomCom.
I’m not going to go into it, but I researched it before I submitted my
application and it is pretty easy for you to find on the IntraWebs if you are
My participation on the NomCom is a direct result from last
year. In order to put more transparency
into the process that is the NomCom, it was decided that PASS membership should
have the majority of the seats. So I’m a
community representative as well as Roy Ernest (@RumblingDBA | Blog
) and ½ of my Future Law Firm of Bigun’s and Balls Newly Minted SQL MVP Jack
Corbett(@unclebiguns | Blog).
After reading over what the commitment would entail and
speaking with my family to make sure they were okay with it I put in an application.
“So Balls”, you say, “What in the name of SQL Server does a
NomCom Do?”
Great question Dear Reader.
PASS has announced that there will be a Board of Elections
meeting this year, to learn more visit the PASS 2011 Election Website. As part of the process people will fill out
an application and submit to be considered for the election. There are some pre-qualifications that they
have to meet, you have to be working with SQL Server (Sorry Larry Ellison).... you
get the idea.
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So to make a long answer short, What does a NomCom do? We are nothing more than a Nominating
Committee, that ranks the applicants as best we can and hands that over to the
current Board of Directors. We will be
doing a lot of heavy lifting.
Just a quick clarification about the criteria used to rank
candidates. We have been meeting for
weeks reviewing what the Board has given us and asking for clarification where
needed, and disagreeing with criteria where needed. It has been a very civil and easy
process. Everybody wants the community
to vote and decide who is best to serve on the PASS Board, and we are doing our
absolute best to make sure that who the community wants they will get.
So basically, I have no power, and if people are unhappy
with the results I will probably get a lot of people talking to me through the
IntraWebs USING CAPS!!!!
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Well I do enjoy a good roller coaster. And to be quite honest it felt like the right
thing to do. I’m not running for the
Board of Directors. Personally I don’t
feel like I have the experience yet to where that would be a good fit for PASS
or for me. The election process though
is a very important one, and it is one I believe deeply in for better or for
America doesn’t ask much of you, but it does ask that you
vote. (okay it wants those pesky taxes
too, but nobody likes them.) You have a
chance to shape the world around you every four years. And for PASS you get that option a little
more often. I’ve gotten to meet a lot
of the Board of Directors. I like them,
they are nice people, and they are very knowledgeable in SQL Server which gives
us a common bond immediately.
But when I look at the SQL World around us I want to get more involved and help change things for the better. We've done a lot of good work, but there is always more that needs some doing.
I’m not a deep insider.
I still grin like a kid with a backstage pass when I look around at the
places and people that I’m going to work with.
Getting to hang out with guys like Jack and Roy still makes me grin ear
to ear. As if that isn’t enough rounding
out the NomCom is Thomas Larock(@SQLRockstar
| Blog) and the Immediate Past President
of PASS Wayne Snyder (@SQLWayne ).
I’ll be writing more as the process moves along. I’ve seen several people on Twitter
announcing their intention to run for the board and I’m looking forward to
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